Monday, October 04, 2010 ♥23:17
so as you people can see.
ive not been updating like regularly.
yes,im basically lazy to update this blog of mine.
but fret not.
below is th blog link of this blog me and my hunnys come out with to just hang around.
and im very active there! :D
so you can drop by and while youre at it, leave some love and kisses @ our chattango.
i will leave th link on top too, just below my twitter updates.
so you can just click on th banner and off youu goo to th blog.
easy huh?
go check out what crazy things th 7 of us are up to. xD
fr a start, click on this banner hereee to pay a visit!
its really been awhile.
and i bet my whole life on it that no ones gonna read my blog ever again.
LOL, (there goes my dream to be a celebrity blogger)
oke fk that dream, i didnt even thougth about htat when i first made this blog which is like,what?
500 million donkey years ago?
im gonna go some random ranting here.
and some serious ones or stuffs thats been in my mind since like forever.
not like its a big of a deal or something.
shall go fr my conch piercing soon.
also on my left ear, because personally, i find it ugly(?) oke no, not really nice to have all kind of piercing like on both ears all over th place. personal opinion. you can have yr say~ :D
im just saying.
and my holidays are over so its th start of term 3 fr me.
힘내, hannaaaa! :D
so anyway,
back to my serious ranting.
oh you can stop reading here if you want IF you're an anti-kpop fan.
OR you listen to music by th artiste face.
oke,fine music in general.
and i think im gonna vulgar here?
oke so not me.
but it has been in my mind since forever.
i guess i have ranted about this before, about how one listen to songs that makes YOU happy.
not songs that makes you look cool.
because at th end of th day,its this songs that you listen to is what makes yo a person/happy.
so i dont see a fking reason to hate or condemn a certain genre of music.
if thats th music genre that makes them feel confident, so be it.
and having you hating it like it th end of th world/condemn that genre infront of that person, dont you think you are pushing down th persons level of confidence.
so, you have yr on genre that you like, and I have th genre that i like.
it does not bring harm to yr fcking life, so back off.
we're fine with music genres pushed out of th way.
personal opinion. getoverit.
another thing that irks me.
people hating singers/artiste because theyre just goddamn ugly that they cant even stand it.
so heres th point, i dont even get it why you listen to a group because theyre pretty and all that and hate a group because theyre just that ugly yr eyes can roll off yr sockets? UGLY? YOU LISTEN TO THEIR MUSIC NOT THEIR FACE.
so yoo dont go "ew,theyre ugly i dont like them." when you havent even hear their songs.w t f? i dont evenknow this people exists.
oke im being hypocrite if im saying this but at time i do this, like why i dont listen to Slipknot, oke i listen to their songs, but i dont really fancy their concept with scary masks and all. and yes, i dont really favour girls generation but i cnt deny th fact th vocals of some members when they sing ballads are nice.
personal opinion. just stating.you have yr right to differ.
on a random note, god damn it.2NE1 is awesome shit, so what if they dont appeal to you.they make music BETTER than yr pretty girl groups~ D: JUSTSTATING~
so im not a-die-hard -core-until-i-wanna-stalk-them-and-go-to-any-kpop-concert of a k-pop fan. i know things here and there. and i kindda enjoy them like last two years? well apart fr th bigbang fact~ thats besides th point.
youre new to th kpop fad, and youre snatching every opportunity to catch each and every artiste that comes here in SG. w t f? does money really come from th sky fr you? prolly you just wanna go fr th thrill of it? so if people like you are going, what would that make th oldtimekpopfans? th tix are gone even before they click "more info" in ticketing information. itskinddafrustratingfrthem. no, i dont go to every fcking kpop concert here. ive only been to U-KISS. period.dont even mention th KPOP NIGHT CONCERT. and yes i care theres bigbang, but i aint gonna spend 500000 million bucks because theyre stripping money off us, IF YOU DONT NOTICE. i'd rather save up fr some big rock concert that really rock th world~ SERIOUSLY. tsk. or pay fr LADY GAGAs dress and buy th meat dress from her and be a fashion icon. oke no.
personal opinion. JUST STATING. please, you can beg to differ.
and please, you dont go "yrmumjustgotraped group is better. no no! i insist yrmumjustgotraped group is better. NOOOOOOOOOO! theyre like so good they can rule th world or get nominated as president." (oke th yrmumjustgotraped is some random dirty things i come out with,in other words its a random group name la!) fk you. so what if you think youre better. i choose to differ. so stop forcing me to insist that group you worship like th president is th best because theres other singers that i think waaaaaaaaaay deserve to be called "king/queen of th music industry" PERSONAL OPINION. you can take it yr way and think th opposite.
youre fking new, and youre boasting and acting like you know it all.
and you freaking think i care?
if youre gonna let yr BIG ego get in th way between you and me, then you should like go to a corner and cry yr lungs out.
because i dont care if you can kick a ball like 803580 yards awaaay, you can sing like 3 falsettos, you can swim like 9000 million km and never get tired. i dont care.
simply because i can do 7000 thousand better things than you can.everyone is special in their own way.
so you dont show that snobbish/arrogant face of yours like you rule th world when you can do things im baaaad at better than i do.
why not let yr guards down and just teach/aid/help those you really wants to learn.
you gain more knowledge by sharing them.
not boasting about them, dang it will not lead to to anywhere.
p.s. i aint referring to anything or anyone in this post. its just stuffs that randomly appear in my brain seeing comments, people reactions watching hate videos hearing from my friends, reading tweets reading on some random site etc. some are my opinions/replies to some confession videos i came across with or confession sites. you can actually read which one is just a matter of opinion, which is me defending my friends,by putting myself in my friends shoes. yes i have that much time on my hands.
and no hard feelings ey.
im just stating a point in which one can choose to agree or otherwise.